Beginning Teacher Program
Beginning Teacher Program
Welcome to Clay County!
Welcome to Clay County!
OneClay Professional Learning is committed to providing a seamless layer of support for its teachers. Our beginning teachers are provided job-embedded support at the school level, as well as, extensive assistance through participation in a professional learning community and staff development. District coaches are paired with new teachers for one-on-one coaching, modeling, partnership problem solving, and planning support. Veteran teachers and district coaches serve as mentors to provide support to colleagues, assisting in their professional growth through reflective practice, modeling, and classroom observations.
OneClay Professional Learning is committed to providing a seamless layer of support for its teachers. Our beginning teachers are provided job-embedded support at the school level, as well as, extensive assistance through participation in a professional learning community and staff development. District coaches are paired with new teachers for one-on-one coaching, modeling, partnership problem solving, and planning support. Veteran teachers and district coaches serve as mentors to provide support to colleagues, assisting in their professional growth through reflective practice, modeling, and classroom observations.