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Aspiring Assistant Principal Program 

One of the first steps to becoming a school-based administrator is gaining acceptance into the district’s Aspiring Assistant Principal Program.  This program is a year-long course for current Clay County District employees that requires participants to engage in activities and tasks that are aligned with the Florida Educational Leadership Standards.  This program is for teachers and staff who hold or will be eligible to add Educational Leadership to their state certificate by the end of the program, and have not completed an Aspiring Assistant Principal Program.  To be eligible to add Educational Leadership to a state certificate, individuals must have passed all sections of the FELE and have a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership on file with the FLDOE.  Additionally, individuals must have at least three years of successful classroom teaching experience. 

For additional questions, contact: 

Jennifer Collins, Supervisor of School Improvement and Leadership Development

(904) 336-6962


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Tori Granese, Tynes Elementary School Assistant Principal

"Participating in Clay County's Aspiring Assistant Principal Program has been a profoundly positive experience for me. The program's focused curriculum, coupled with hands-on learning opportunities, provided a comprehensive overview of educational leadership. Engaging with experienced mentors and a diverse cohort fostered a collaborative and supportive learning environment. The emphasis on practical applications and ongoing professional development equipped me with the skills and confidence needed for a successful transition to an administrative role. This program is a valuable asset for educators aspiring to make a positive impact in school leadership."

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Ansley Smith, Orange Park Junior High School Assistant Principal

“Participating in the Aspiring AP Program gave me perspective on the ins and outs of daily AP life that you don't learn about in your master's program. I was given the opportunity to shadow at schools outside of my own to gain understanding from multiple people that I might not have otherwise formed a connection. After completion of the program, I felt prepared entering into the interview process and confident in my newfound skills to dive into the role of an Assistant Principal.”